
Industry News

Leather Lovers Unite

Fort Worth, Texas--Tandy Leather Factory launched a new leathercraft website, Leathercraft Library ( ), a place for leathercraft enthusiasts to have access, in downloadable PDF format, to an archive of patterns, books, projects, free patterns, tutorials, and more. Leathercrafters will also be able to subscribe to a collection of instructional videos from master leather artists. Other features on the new website include: current and out-of-print leathercraft e-books, vintage doodle pages, pattern packs, out-of-production kit patterns, free projects and patterns library, and a blog for new projects, tips and techniques, the stores’ leathercraft class schedules, galleries, polls, and more.

ParknPool Leasing Site Amenities

Lexington, Va.--ParknPool has partnered with Vision Financial Group, enabling the supplier of commercial site amenities to provide leasing options for bleachers, shade structures, picnic tables, pool furniture, and more. Leasing terms of 24, 36, 48 or 60 months will be offered. At the end of the chosen term, the client may purchase the equipment, continue to lease it, renew the lease for a specified term, or return the equipment. For more information, visit .

Toot Your Own Horn

Hosting “green” retreats and promoting a “green” camp are simple steps that can not only impact the environment, but also your bottom line. Remember to promote sustainable practices, even those that may seem routine or minimal, such as the fact that the facility:

• Recycles. Even if you don’t recycle everything, make it known that you recycle some things. It is a mistake to think that recycling is an all-or-nothing proposition.

• Reduces and reuses. Tout the fact that camp personnel reduces the amount of paper products printed by sending email and electronic brochures and encourage guests to do the same. Instead of throwing away plastic cups, explain why the camp decided to use bio-degradable, or even better, washable cups and encourages reusable water bottles. Let people know that the tap water on property is good-tasting, and if not, have large bottles of water for people to refill their own containers.

• Encourages “green” meetings. Compile a tip sheet to give to planners that includes using reusable name badges and limiting paper handouts.

• Takes advantage of its surroundings. One of the greatest assets is the fresh air available at camp--groups can open windows, run ceiling fans, sit near fireplaces, amenities rarely available at hotels. Show off meeting rooms with plenty of natural lighting. Sometimes simple things can have profound effects.

--Courtesy of Jaynie Schultz, Retreat Central

Field Notes

Gold Medal Expands

Cincinnati, Ohio--Greater sales and worldwide growth drove the need to expand Gold Medal's supply production. In response, the company has expanded its flavor department and renovated some of its facilities. The addition contains 10 more flavor bays, a large capacity elevator, and space for future flavor bays. The projects will mark the third time the company has expanded since opening its current facility in 1997. With this addition, the Medallion Drive location will be more than 438,000 square feet. For more information, visit .

Frost Valley Turns To Sustainability

Frost Valley YMCA, a 6,000-acre residential camping, environmental education, and conference center located in the heart of the Catskill Mountain Park, is the first to complete the necessary training and assessment to receive Tier 1 – Bronze Certification from the Green Concierge (GC) Project. Green Concierge, which is conceived of and administered by environmental consulting firm HospitalityGreen, has been working with Frost Valley since December 2010. During that time, 24 members of the Frost Valley staff have participated in an onsite Green Facility Training and the institution has implemented a number of major sustainable practices, including:

• Replacing all light bulbs with energy-efficient ones

• Recycling

• Composting

• Disposing of hazardous waste according to state regulations

• Using non-toxic cleaning products

• Upgrading sinks, showerheads and toilets to water-conserving models

• Purchasing recycled-content soft tissues, paper towels and office paper

• Sourcing local produce whenever possible.

For more information on, visit .

Laity Lodge Breaks Ground

Kerrville, Texas--Officials from Foundations for Laity Renewal announce the groundbreaking of a new $8.5-million Laity Lodge Family Camp facility projected to quadruple the program’s current capacity. Located at the organization’s retreat and camp center near Leakey, the new facility will have the potential to reach as many as 1,400 families annually, allowing them to “unplug” from their hectic lives and enjoy three to six days along the Frio River. For more information, visit .




22-23 ACA Southwest Camp Conference,


21-24 ACA National Conference, Atlanta, Ga.--Hyatt Regency Atlanta;


13-16 ACA Tri-State Conference, Atlantic City, NJ--Atlantic City Convention Center;


Year-Round Revenue


The Waiting Game