School Could Learn Lessons From Camp

Summer's over, and the kids are back in school. But a lot of kids aren't happy about that.

No child should feel lonely at school.

What if schools were more like camp? In this essay by Sunshine Parenting , the writer points out that children would be a lot happier in school if school learned some lessons from camp.

If school were more like camp, so many kids' first day wouldn't be so lonely or intimidating. Instead of jumping right into academics, perhaps schools should spend a day helping students bond:

"At camp, the entire first day is all about meeting and getting to know each other and sharing.  Kids are welcomed into their camp 'family.' At camp, a child would never be sitting alone eating lunch--or anywhere else. At school, that should never happen either.   There needs to be the social safety net of a culture that is inclusive of all kids, even the new ones, and that doesn’t allow kids to 'fall through the cracks' and be alone and lonely."

The writer goes on to say that if schools were more like camp, they would:

• Focus on relationships, team building, and goal setting.

• Foster social skills

• Provide hands-on, active learning

• Create a positive culture

• Offer extra coursework geared toward kids' individual passions

What do you think? Should school be more like camp?


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