The Man On The Moon

Connecting the past and present

By Steve Purdum

I found myself on the roof of Larsen Lodge last night—replacing one of the Wi-Fi signal boosters that run through camp so we can access camp-management software (no, campers do not have access to this). The booster is attached to an old television antenna—50 years old, to be exact. It was installed by one of my predecessors for the sole purpose of being able to receive live footage of the moon landing in 1969 so the campers could watch history being made. I don’t recall the last time it was used for the purpose of receiving a TV signal, but now it serves as a sort of broadcaster for a medium that connects us to the world.

Photo: Courtesty Of Camp Mishawaka

Photo: Courtesty Of Camp Mishawaka

Two of our current staff members were here that night—huddled around a black-and-white screen that probably measured no more than 15 inches. They recall not being able to see much on the screen that night, but recount vividly the experience of leaving the lodge, looking up at the actual moon, and being awestruck that this was even possible. As the moon guided them back to their cabins, they wondered aloud about the universe and the world outside (and above) of camp. I suspect that at that moment, they felt both a sense of place being at camp, and more than a little nervous excitement about what lay beyond.

Camp has always been a grounding experience, and from the first moment campers step off the bus on to the campus, this small step can indeed become one giant leap. The connectedness that all those satellites and Wi-Fi provide us is truly amazing, but to my knowledge it has not replaced the value of simple human connection that one can find at Camp Mishawaka. For some, the trip to camp is no less ambitious than a moon landing. Campers come from 25+ states and seven foreign countries—and for some it represents the first time leaving home for an extended period of time. It’s not that camp provides a view from above like those first astronauts saw, but it certainly invites a view from astride. It provides an opportunity to develop not only a sense of place and sense of self for campers and staff, but in no small way helps put the world outside of camp in perspective for all of us.

When I shared this with our alumni, dozens responded that they remembered that historic day at camp—where they were, the conversations they had after, and the emotions they were experiencing. Many also shared that they had found themselves re-telling the story to others that week. There are events for all of us that we remember exactly where we were when we “heard the news.” Often, unfortunately, it’s a tragedy. The camp experience is loaded with joyous opportunities to form these indelible memories—catching the first fish, getting up on skis, leaning how to do the backstroke, etc.

For parents it can be just as momentous, and we are thankful that they still see value in a traditional camp experience. As we all have become accustomed to constant digital connection, going “radio silent” with a child can be difficult. On the anniversary of the moon landing, I reminded parents that they would be gazing at the same moon we all would be. And, that while there was no event as memorable as a moon landing while their child was at camp, the memories they make this summer can be just as profound.

Director and owner, Steve Purdum went to Camp Mishawaka in Minnesota to attend summer camp as a kid, and has served in his present position since 1991. Reach him at


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