Camp Data Management Made Easy With JotForm Tables

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As more of the country reopens under new safety guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many hope that next year’s camps will be able to take place as scheduled. Considering the majority of camp activities are outdoors (or can be), where social distancing is easier, it’s highly likely that most camps will be able to continue as planned—though they might look different than usual, with enhanced safety measures.

That said, the organization and preparation process will be more important than ever to ensure a safe experience for everyone at next year’s camps. Specifically, it will be vital to keep easily accessible online records to assure parents and legal guardians that their contact information and any relevant medical history for their child is close at hand at all times.

The best way to do this is to use online forms to capture any camper information.

Rather than relying on old-fashioned paper forms that get stuffed into a drawer somewhere and are harder to sort through and reference at a glance, with online forms, organizers and planners can store any camper information online, preferably in an easily accessible location. That way, if you need to contact a parent or find any other information regarding a young camper, you can access the data you need immediately.

Using a tool like JotForm Tables along with online forms allows you to manage all that data seamlessly from one central location.

JotForm Tables takes any data submitted via your online forms — for example, a registration form with camper contact info and medical history — and populates all that information into a comprehensive grid interface, where you can categorize, sort, filter, and edit the data as required.

JotForm Tables is easily searchable, so you can find any information you need whenever you need it. You can also share your data or export it by Excel, CSV, or PDF file. And your information updates in real time with any subsequent submissions. You can even integrate progress or status trackers to denote check-in status or other related items of note. Think of it as a “control center” for all your form submission data that you can use to store and organize critical camper information, saving you valuable time.

Still unsure? You can try out JotForm for free today!

Of course, whatever you’re using to help give you a leg up on next year’s camp planning, the important thing is that you’re setting your campers up for a safe, enjoyable experience that could possibly signify one of our first true returns to normalcy since the pandemic began. And in today’s world, we could all use something to look forward to.


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