
Stay Cool On Hot Days

Looking for ways to beat the heat? Mix your favorite game with a little bit of water and you have a recipe for laughter and lighthearted fun. Here are some ideas:

Frozen T-Shirt Relay

Promotes sportsmanship and teamwork in a hilarious and active game.


Supplies: T-shirts (one shirt per two players), Water, Gallon Ziploc bags, Freezer


Preparation: Soak all of the shirts and wring out the excess water.  Fold the shirts neatly and place them into a gallon-size storage bag. Place the bags in the freezer overnight.


Run The Relay:

Set out the frozen T-shirts in two lines. Then, partner kids and split them into two teams. Have each pair of children stand in front of a shirt.

On “go,” the two players on each team pick up their shirt and begin to melt the water with whatever means possible. When the first pair melt the shirt enough, one player puts on the shirt.  

After the first shirt is on, the next two players melt the shirt until one player can wear it. The winning team is the first team to be wearing all frozen shirts!

—Game provided by That After School Life 

Ice Water Feet Fishing

Have campers use their toes to pick up items out of ice water. Grapes. Green army men. Ice Cubes. Whatever. Can be a relay race, or a contest of who can get the most in a minute.

Back To Back Ice Relay

Split campers into two teams. Freeze a water balloon for each team and just before the game starts, remove the balloon so you are left with a ball of ice. The first two people in line on each team have to put the ball of ice between both of their backs and walk to a designated finish line and then back to the team. If they drop it, they must go back to the beginning and start over again. First team to complete the relay wins.

—Game provided by Creative Youth Ideas


Things To Do At Day Camp


Simple Yet Efficient